Tuesday 13 March 2012




These are my plans, sections, and axonometric drawings.
In the drawing, I wanted to show how the house integrated with the landscape as well as the structure of the house. The house is made between hills and it can be seen on the ground floor which is made half caved, and from the drawing it is presented with the gray hatching.
The first floor shows the openness; therefore the major material in this level is glass since it gives unlimited view. Moreover the first floor is made in the same height as the landscape level, and it provide the living space with the opening to the surrounding environment (the surrounding area can be considered as the garden).
The second floor which is the private area is made like heavy and hanging. This gives a sense of unstable since there is only a beam near the book shelve and the drum for the spiral stair that give the structural support to the second floor. As the balancing for this structural support, there is another beam on the roof.
Moreover, one of the specialties in this house is the platform elevator. This platform is made for the owner that has a disability (using wheelchair) as the space for working and studying as well as moving from one level to the other level on this house.

GROUND FLOOR (1:100 @ A2)

FIRST FLOOR (1:100 @ A2)

SECOND FLOOR (1:100 @ A2)

SECTION 1 (1:100 @ A3)

SECTION 2 (1:100 @ A3)

AXONOMETRIC (1:100 @ A0)

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